Sound Healing Therapy
Healing Through Sound Frequencies
Frequencies are constantly buzzing around us, shaping the environment we live in. From the hum of LED lights and appliances to signals emitted by phone towers to the rhythms of music and voices. These countless unseen waves and vibrations are everywhere. While we may not always notice them, our bodies are deeply influenced by these frequencies, responding on physical, emotional, and energetic levels. They can affect our mood and stress levels, highlighting the profound connection between energy and well-being in our daily lives.
Music of different frequencies has different effects on the endocrine system, especially oxytocin and cortisol. Findings suggest that 528 Hz music can affect the body even if participants listen to the music for only a short time.
Solfeggio Frequencies
174 Hz – Relieves pain, stress, and tension; promotes physical and emotional healing.
285 Hz – Supports tissue regeneration, speeds healing of cuts, burns, and wounds.
396 Hz – Releases fear, guilt, and negative emotions; promotes emotional balance.
417 Hz – Encourages change and removes negative energy; aids in overcoming trauma.
432 Hz – Studies have shown that this frequency has a natural resonance with our bodies, meaning that it is in harmony with our own biological vibrations. It has a calming effect on the brain and nervous system.
440 Hz - Theories have emerged suggesting that the Rockefeller Foundation played a role in promoting 440 Hz, not just for standardization but as a means of control, allegedly influencing public consciousness through a frequency that induces stress and discord. Also, most music today is tuned to 440 Hz so be intentional with the music you listen to does to your body.
528 Hz – Known as the “Love Frequency”; promotes DNA repair, transformation, and clarity.
639 Hz – Improves relationships, communication, and emotional bonding.
741 Hz – Detoxifies the body, boosts immune function, and promotes problem-solving.
852 Hz – Enhances intuition, awareness, and spiritual connection.
963 Hz – Known as the “God Frequency”; promotes spiritual awakening and connection to divine energy.
If you ask Alexa to play music with 528 Hz, it's essentially a spa experience. It's all gentle, soothing instrumentals and nature sounds, such as the sound of running water, birds chirping, and wind chimes.
I turned on 741 Hz to see what it does and it made me physically feel buzzy - it was fascinating. I hope you play around with Hz, too! And be sure to ask Alexa (or Google) what your favorite artist's music frequency is. Does it generally calm you, or get you pumped up? See?! Frequencies are so cool.
I'm not a fan of the word “manifest” or “meditate” so I would never use that language, but as a Christian, when used prayerfully, these frequencies can promote calmness and reflection. Incorporating sounds inspired by nature—such as birds singing, waves crashing, or leaves rustling—can be a reminder of God’s handiwork. These sounds naturally create a sense of peace and wonder, directing attention to the Creator.
By intentionally keeping God at the center, Christians can approach sound healing and frequencies as tools to enhance their prayer life, worship, and emotional peace—all while relying on God’s ultimate power to heal and restore. Always seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance and align every practice with Scripture to ensure it glorifies God.
"For I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds," says the Lord." (Jeremiah 30:17)
Watch this reel I came across on IG about frequencies. So interesting!