Cold Brew Coffee

Cold brew coffee has gained popularity among coffee drinkers in recent years for its smoother, somewhat sweeter taste and lower acidity levels over hot brewed coffee. It's usually made in larger batches to enjoy over several days at a time, and can last in the fridge up to two weeks.

What you'll need:
2 qt or 1 gallon pitcher
1-2 cups of ground coffee beans (depending on your preference of potency. I found that a heaping cup of dry grounds brews nicely for every 8 cups of water.)
Reusable cheesecloth
A rubber band
8 cups of water

How to make it:
Fill a 2 quart pitcher with 8 cups of water. Spread out the cheesecloth so there's two layers thick and place a heaping cup of dry coffee grounds in the center.

Carefully tie it up together with a rubber band then plop it in the water. I love to keep the rubber bands from asparagus bunches; they work awesome here.

Cover with plastic wrap or a lid and leave it on the counter for 18-24 hours depending on the concentration level you're looking for. No need to strain since the coffee is inside the cheesecloth; although you certainly still could to get all of the last residual remnants that leached out.

When it's nice and dark, squeeze out the ball of coffee savoring every last drop. Shake the grounds in the garbage, then rinse out the cheesecloth and hang to dry for next time.

Store your coffee in the fridge and enjoy for the next 2 weeks - if it'll last that long!

This recipe is so easy. Cold coffee isn't just for summer anymore!